A Playlist for Learning Design

A Playlist for Learning Design

Recently, I've been doing a lot of training,  consulting and teaching people how to get better at product design. A  while ago, I even got a chance to become a visiting lecturer of UX & product design at my former university.  While I still believe nothing beats craft and spending enough hours on  projects (even side projects) and getting enough feedback from other  designers, users and clients to actually get good, I compiled this list  of tutorials, books and courses that I used to get me where I am right  now and recommend to everyone who wants to up their game.

Since some of these things here are classics (like Bringhurst's  “Elements of Typographic Style”), some will be expanded and some are in  the constant state of flux (like prototyping tools and front-end stuff),  the plan is to expand and maintain this list as I go. Check the last  updated date below to know if you're getting the fresh version.

I also run a Product Design Mastermind group where we discuss  design, product, career, culture and other daily design problems. If  you want to be a part of it, hit me up

Last updated: 9 February 2023 (cleanup, added Figma & more Research resources)

Special thanks: Graham Tyler Wong 👏 who had the entire thing saved in Evernote and saved me from a hosting mess-up that made me lose all the content here

Design process





Patterns & best practices

Information architecture

Handling stakeholders


Designing & managing products

Design principles

Working with guidelines, style guides, and design systems


Design sprints

Crafting a value proposition

Emotional design

Content strategy

Graphic design & branding

Designing animation


Front-end development



Responsive web design

General knowledge


Psychology, economics, behavior


Entrepreneurship & startups

Events & conferences
